Natural Gas Vehicles FAQ
How is natural gas sold?
Natural gas is sold in "gasoline gallon equivalents", or GGE's. One GGE unit has about the same amount of energy as one gallon of gasoline. There are 124,800 BTU's in one gallon of gasoline. It may be a little confusing, but it's sold this way so you have an accurate comparison of your energy consumption.
Where can I find information about CNG or natural gas stations in my state?
You can visit our Natural Gas vehicle resources page to find the appropriate resource and information about CNG vehicles in your state. You can also find state resources on the CNG station locations page.
How many natural gas vehicles are currently on the road?
According to Natural Gas Vehicles for America, there are 120,000 NGV on the road in the us, with over 8.7 worldwide. Obviously, there is room for significant growth in the United States.
Where is natural gas produced?
Most of the natural gas that is consumed in the United States, is produced right here at home. The good thing is that natural gas is abundant and can help reduce America's demand for foreign oil.